Fitness Level Of High School Students Based On Smoking Habits, Nutrient Intake, Physical Activity And Nutritional Status

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Trina Astuti
Febriansyah Febriansyah


This study discusses the fitness level of male students based on smoking habits , nutrient intake , physical activity and nutritional status as measured by cardiorespiratory endurance using YMCA-3 minutes step test.The design  is descriptive analytic  with cross-sectional study. The data were collected from 67 male students at SMAN 108 Jakarta. Study results showed that  58,2 % student is not fit, 41,8 % student is light smoker, 89,6 % deficiency energy intake, 80,6 % deficiency protein intake, 71,6 % deficiency vitamin B1, 56,7 % deficiency vitamin C, 52,2 % deficiency Fe intake, 73,1 % having weight physical activity and 28,4% malnutrition status. Chi-Square Test shows that fitness level of students depends on smoking habits (p=0,039), energy intake (p=0,001), vitamin B1 intake (p=0,012), and Fe intake (p=0,039). In order to increase the fitness status , it is advisable for students to organize a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking , exercising regularly and increasing daily nutrient intake

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How to Cite
Astuti T, Febriansyah F. Fitness Level Of High School Students Based On Smoking Habits, Nutrient Intake, Physical Activity And Nutritional Status. SANITAS [Internet]. 1Dec.2017 [cited 9Mar.2025];8(2):114-22. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Trina Astuti, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II

Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta

Febriansyah Febriansyah, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II

Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta