SANITAS: Jurnal Teknologi dan Seni Kesehatan
<h1><strong>SANITAS: Jurnal Teknologi dan Seni Kesehatan</strong></h1> <p><strong>p-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1978-8843</a>; e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-8647</a></strong></p> <p><strong>SANITAS: Jurnal Teknologi dan Seni Kesehatan</strong><strong> </strong>is an open-access journal published by Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta II. The journal aims to publish scientific research on health and literature review, to inform the advancement of technology and the art of health care. The full manuscript must be written in English.</p> <p><strong>Focus and Scope</strong><br>The scope of this journal includes scientific research of health, original research in fields of Electromedical, Radiodiagnostic and Radiotherapy Pharmacy, Food and Drug Analysis, Dental and Orthodontics, Environmental Health, Health Information Systems, and Nutrition. </p> <p><strong>Peer Review Process</strong><br>The article submitted to this journal will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least 2 (two) reviewers. The accepted research articles will be available online in the Archive menu.</p> <p> </p> <p>Published by Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta II<br>Jl. Hang Jebat III/F-3 Jakarta 12120, Indonesia<br>Phone./Fax: +62-812-8353-4442</p>Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta IIen-USSANITAS: Jurnal Teknologi dan Seni Kesehatan1978-8843The Realtionship Between Worm Infection and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) in Students of MI Nurul Falah Jatimulya Village, Sepatan Timur Subdistrict, 2024
<p>Worms are one of the infectious diseases that are susceptible to occur in school-age children in Indonesia. The highest prevalence of worms occurs in underprivileged population groups and poor environmental sanitation. Children aged 6-12 years are more susceptible to worm infections due to their high curiosity to play intensely with the ground. At that age, children still depend on their parents to maintain personal hygiene. The consequences of worm infections that occur in toddlers or school-age children can cause malnutrition so that children's growth and development are disrupted due to reduced protein and carbohydrate energy and can cause anemia. Worm infections will be reduced and can even be eliminated if efforts are made to live a clean and healthy life such as washing hands with soap, managing food properly, a clean environment and nutritious food. The specific objective is to reduce the prevalence of worms in school-age children in poorly sanitation areas of Indonesia, as well as improve children's health and quality of life through evidence-based interventions. The research was conducted by the purposive sampling method, fecal samples were examined by the sedimentation method using a centrifuge and the behavior of PHBS was assessed using a questionnaire and then analyzed with the Chi-Square statistical test. Results there was no significant association between hand washing behavior with soap, snack habits and rigid mat habits and the incidence of worms</p>Atang SaputraDini Syafitri
2025-01-162025-01-1615211212210.36525/sanitas.2024.526Fructose and Its Impact on Uric Acid Levels in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials from PubMed Database
<p></p> <p><span lang="EN-US">Worldwide fructose consumption continues to increase annually. It is well-established that high-dose fructose consumption can lead to metabolic disorders in humans. One of the indicators affected is uric acid, with several studies reporting increased uric acid levels following fructose intake.</span> <span lang="EN-US">This study employs a systematic literature review and meta-analysis approach. We conducted a literature search exclusively in the PubMed database using keywords related to hyperuricemia, uric acid, fructose, and human health. The search was based on the PICO strategy: human health (population), fructose (intervention), glucose (comparison), uric acid (outcome). Nine eligible documents were analyzed for meta-analysis out of 81 documents retrieved from the PubMed database. Based on the Random Effects model (RE), the Standardized Mean Difference (SMD) value was -0.37 (95% CI; -1.34 to 0.59). The RE value crosses the vertical 0 line. Across various clinical studies, fructose consumption did not significantly show negative effects. Although some studies demonstrated dynamic changes, they remained within the normal range. However, these conclusions cannot be directly generalized due to limited knowledge on the long-term effects of fructose. Additionally, aspects such as dosage, duration, type of fructose, anthropometry, and subject characteristics need further attention and analysis in each fructose-related study, as they may be significant factors contributing to variations in study outcomes.</span></p>Baharuddin BaharuddinLilies Handayani
2025-01-072025-01-071528810110.36525/sanitas.2024.507Differences in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Complementary Feeding Before and After Nutrition Education with Video Media for Baduta Mothers at Posyandu Mawar 03 & 04 West Pademangan, North Jakarta
<p>Nutritional issues are prevalent among children under the age of five in Indonesia, particularly among those aged 6-23 months. This is due to several factors, including early complementary feeding and a lack of variation in each meal. To determine the differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practices of complementary feeding before and after nutrition education with video media for baduta mothers at Posyandu Mawar 03 & 04 West Pademangan, North Jakarta. This study was Pre-Experimental using a One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design with Purposive Sampling, obtained 40 respondents. The Chi-Square test and the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs test were used to analyze the data. There was a relationship between maternal education with attitudes and practices of complementary feeding before nutrition education through video media. There were differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practices of complementary feeding before and after nutrition education with video media for baduta mothers at Posyandu Mawar 03 & 04 West Pademangan, North Jakarta. Video could be used as an alternative media used in complementary feeding nutrition education to see differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practices of baduta mothers providing complementary feeding.</p>Maulida Nugrah Priadi PutriRosmida Magdalena Marbun
2025-01-172025-01-1715212313410.36525/sanitas.2024.506Study of Nutritional Status, Taste Perception, Energy and Macronutrients Intake of Canteen Food Among SMAN 104 East Jakarta Students
<p>Adolescent nutrition remains a significant issue in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the nutritional status, taste perception, energy, and macronutrient content of canteen food among students at SMAN 104 East Jakarta. Using a descriptive cross-sectional design, 85 samples were selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected via anthropometric measurements, taste perception questionnaires, and canteen food nutrient analysis. Chi-Square analysis was used to test the relationship between characteristics and taste perception. Results showed 78.8% of respondents had good nutritional status, with significant differences between genders and age groups. Taste perception was generally good (97.6%), varying by age but not significantly by gender. Macronutrient analysis revealed varying content, with some menus exceeding 30% of daily nutritional needs for lunch. Significant relationships were found between nutritional status and age (p=0.047) and gender (p=0.009). In conclusion, while most students have good nutritional status and taste perception, there is room for improvement in macronutrient balance in canteen menus.</p> <p> <strong>Keywords: </strong><em>nutritional status, taste perception, adolescents </em></p>Dinda Fauziah HasanahAnastu Regita Nareswara
2025-01-182025-01-1815213514910.36525/sanitas.2024.518The Relationship Between Knowledge and Motivation About The Use of Dentures in Participants of Posbindu Melati Gunung Village South Jakarta
<p>According to the World Health Organization (WHO) conveyed in The World Oral Health Report that the level of awareness of the Indonesian population in caring for dental and oral hygiene is not good so that there are 90% of individuals who have oral health problems and an increase in the prevalence of edentulous / tooth loss reaching 24%. tooth loss that is too long, can also cause a decrease in alveolar bone in edentulous areas, decreased masticatory function to speech disorders and can also affect the temporomandibular joint. Some data mention the lack of knowledge and motivation to use dentures. The study aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge and motivation for using and maintaining dentures for health at the Melati Posbindu RW.06 gunung village. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional research design. The research sample was participants of Posbindu Melati RW 06, Gunung sub-district, using a purposive sampling method that met the sample inclusion criteria, totaling 30 respondents. The inclusion criteria for this study were participants aged ≥ 15 years and willing to be respondents, with exclusion criteria for respondents with severe oral disease and mental disorders. Analyzed using the Spearman rank correlation analysis statistical test with SPSS 25. The results of the research conducted obtained the results of the Spearman Rank Correlation analysis that the results of the significance of the relationship were known to have a significance value or sig. (2-tailed) of p value 0.000 with a magnitude of the relationship between the knowledge variable and motivation of 0.881. It can be concluded that there is a very strong relationship between knowledge and motivation to use and care for dentures for health at Posbindu Melati RW 06, Pegunungan Village in 2023.</p>Helda yaniMarzia Magdalena TeteleptaDefi Ika Suwandari
2025-02-112025-02-1115215016010.36525/sanitas.2024.485In Silico Study of Inhibition of Activation Of 1A52 Ethanol Extract Leunca Fruit (Solanum nigrum L)
<p>The development of science has found a way to prevent skin aging in menopausal women. One of the therapies is estrogen replacement therapy (17β estradiol). Skin aging in menopausal women is associated with decreased ERα expression. Leunca fruit (Solanum nigrum L) is known to contain phytoestrogens and has the potential as an antiaging agent. The purpose of this study was to predict the anti-aging effect of Solanum nigrum ethanol extract compounds through the Erα 1A52 [A] activation pathway. The research method of active substance analysis metabolite profiling was carried out by analyzing physicochemical properties using pkCSM. This analysis was carried out as an initial selection of compound safety for therapy. Molecular docking with the MVD (Free trial) application. The RMSD value ≤ 2Å indicates a valid docking and the application can be used. The results of the in silico study showed that the results of metabolite profiling showed that diosgenin was an agonist against ERα. The compound has physicochemical properties according to the Lipinski standard so that it can bind to ERα. The conclusion is that diosgenin has the potential and can act as a 1A52 [A] inhibitor so it can be used as an antiaging agent.</p>In Rahmi Fatria FajarEffionora AnwarEsti MumpuniYesi DesmiatyKurnia Agustini